DUI Attorney

Sea Girt, NJ

At Anthony J. Cafaro, P.C., we have an in-depth understanding of New Jersey’s Municipal Courts. Many people face these proceedings alone, but DUI cases and other similar matters can have severe consequences such as loss of a driver’s license, fines and penalties, or even jail time. Anthony J. Cafaro has helped hundreds of clients fight DUI arrests in Monmouth County and avoid the negative consequences which can result from a conviction.


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Overview of New Jersey’s Municipal Courts & DUI

New Jersey’s Municipal Courts are responsible for certain limited types of cases, including traffic violations such as parking tickets, minor criminal offenses including simple assault, and other offenses such as building code or other ordinance violations. Serious criminal cases are handled in a different court, called the Superior Court. It is important to understand New Jersey’s Municipal Court System and how it works, as many people come in contact with the court.

Although the Municipal Courts hear a variety of cases, DUI offenses are common and can have severe penalties. New Jersey takes DUI offenses seriously and can impose harsh penalties even for first-time offenders. If you are caught with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher, you may be cited for driving under the influence (DUI), or drunk driving. The potential penalties if convicted depend on many factors, including your BAC and how many times you have been convicted before.

It is important to note that New Jersey law requires drivers to take a breath test after an arrest for drunk driving. Drivers can refuse to take a breath test, but they will be detained and have a blood sample taken. Refusing to take a breath test may also expose you to harsher penalties than would otherwise be imposed.

Attorney Anthony J. Cafaro has more than 12 years of experience with DUI defense in Monmouth County and criminal defense cases in New Jersey’s Municipal Courts. His experience covers DUI violations, traffic violations, drug possession, simple assault, driver’s license suspension and revocation, and theft charges. At Anthony J. Cafaro, P.C., our continued success is enhanced by the wealth of experts at our disposal. This includes toxicologists for BAC tests and former state troopers. Having experts such as these on your side is crucial to your criminal defense and is one of the ways we strive to serve our clients.

Should I fight the charges?

If you are charged with a DUI, we recommend that you hire a lawyer and fight the charges. If you have a clean record, the first DUI may not seem like a big deal but it actually is. If you are convicted, it will go on your record as a criminal conviction. This is not a simple speeding ticket but can impact your ability to get a job, rent an apartment, maintain custody of your kids and keep your auto insurance rates at an affordable level. By not fighting the charges, you are exposing yourself to a fine and potential jail time in addition to those other consequences. As an experienced DUI attorney, Anthony J. Cafaro, P.C. can make a case for why you shouldn’t be convicted of this crime.

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